The quest continues to do the right thing in terms of notification of breast density to all North Dakotans undergoing a mammogram – to tell them if they have dense breast tissue, so they can find potential breast cancer at its earliest stage. Knowing you have dense breast tissue could save your life, save trauma to your body, and could save millions of healthcare dollars. The cost of additional testing will pale in comparison to treating advanced stage breast cancer, especially if the breast cancer has moved into the lymphatic system, necessitating chemotherapy. I am blessed to be alive, and am very grateful for the care provided to me by my medical doctors – they have guided me through many challenging health ordeals. My goal in getting ND House Bill No. 1370 – Mammogram Results Notices passed is to notify people if they have dense breast tissue, help educate them of the associated risks, and the need for additional testing to find potential breast cancer at its earliest stage. Consider contacting your legislators to ask them to support and pass ND House Bill No. 1370. Thank you!